Easter Event in April!イースターを祝おう! | 東京ママズ Tokyo Mums ★インターナショナルに興味のあるママ・プレママのためのコミュニティ★
Hello, it's Sachie. New season has started, how are you all doing??


This month at Tokyo Mums event, the theme was on EASTER!!
Babies English time was also full of Easter activities with Spring song, Egg hunt, and Easter story...
Mums and babied all enjoyed fun English time with Sarah!



By the way, Easter is our biggest celebration at church!!
On the Easter we celebrate Jesus' death on the cross and His Resurrection to give us new life. This is a BIG event for us, bigger than Christmas when we celebrate His birthday!
At the story time, Y-chan who is starting new life with Jesus shared her personal story.
We were so touched to hear how her marriage has been improved since then. Her and her husband used to have a very common problem which we see in many marriages here in Japan.

Yちゃんのストーリー Y's Stroy
という箇所があります。 言葉はすごい力を持っていて、自分が思っている以上に影響力があります。言葉ひとつで簡単に相手を傷つけてしまうことも、勇気づけることもできると思います。そのことにも気付かされ、すぐに夫に不満を言うのをやめました。そして、『妻』であることを心がけました。家族のために一生懸命働いてくれていることを敬い、夫婦の時間を作るようにしました。その結果、夫婦関係も元に戻っていきました。夫は子どものことしか見ていない私に不満をもっていたのだと思います。
I'm married with a 2 yrs old son and a 6 months old daughter. My husband is not a Christian. He is a very busy man who often doesn't get to come home before midnight. He even has to stay at the office for a few days in a row. His only day off is Sundays. Although I understand his circumstances, there was a time when our relationship got worse about a year ago.
When he was at home, he either slept in or played TV games. I was frustrated that he didn't make any effort with son. "Hey, hang out with our boy." "Aren't you interested in him?" I couldn't help complaining. He is not so good at showing his emotion, so often I didn't even know what he was thinking. In the end, we stopped talking much to each other which made me seriously consider divorce. Around then, I was able to seek some help from my friend. As I talked, I realized that I was only focusing on raising my son which I was pretty much doing all by myself, and forgetting the fact that I'm his "wife", not only my son's "mother".
At service I attended, they were preaching about the importance of controlling your mouth. As it is written in James 3:2-5, a person who can take control of his mouth is also able to take control of every part of his life.
Words can affect your life much more than you think. A single word can hurt someone, or encourage someone. That moment, I decided to stop complaining about my husband, and to put more effort in being his wife. I started to show him more respect, and tried having more quality time with him. I'm sure he was not happy with me being a child-centered wife.
I was so thankful to God, because of Him our marriage was revived! And even more thankfully, we got pregnant with number 2. I was surprised with its timing, it was exactly when we started to desire for another child. If I didn't meet Jesus, I don't think my daughter would have been here.
My relationship with my husband is much better now. There were some weekends I chose to stay home instead of going to church in order to spend some family time, but then I realized that the most important thing for my life is seeking God first. Now I go to church every week, and our marriage has improved even more since then!
If you are in a similar situation to how mine used to be, please start focusing on changing yourself first. And make more husband and wife time. Then I'm sure your husband will start to change too. Show him love, instead of frustrations!

そしてみんなで、イースターエッグを作ったよ!!キッズのみんなもGood job!!
Then we made Easter EGGs together! Kids did a good job!!



Why don't you come and join our Easter celebration this year??
We will have the Gospel music, dance and life-changing message...
We are looking forward to seeing new people at church on April 20th!
Everyone is welcome!! (Free Entry)
We will have a great kids program at 11:00am and 1:00pm.
Please invite your friends and join our Easter celebration! Please also bring your own lunch so that we can enjoy lunch together!

  9:45-10:45 キッズケアタイム(子供をプレイエリアに預けられ、ティータイムがあります)
10:15-10:45 キッズイングリッシュタイム(この日は3-6歳対象のクラスです)
11:00 礼拝(イースタープロダクションあり)&キッズチャーチ(歌やアクティビティあり)
  1:00 礼拝(イースタープロダクションあり)&キッズチャーチ
【Easter on April 20th】
  9:45-10:45 Kids Care Time(kids leaders will look after children. there is a tea corner!)
10:15-10:45 Kids English time(for kids age 3-6 at that day)
11:00 Service(Easter Production)&Kids Church(worship and activities)
  1:00 Service(Easter Production)&Kids Church

As for Tokyo Mums in May, we will have a picnic on May 13th. We will share more info later...