MUMS & BABIES- JANUARY | 東京ママズ Tokyo Mums ★インターナショナルに興味のあるママ・プレママのためのコミュニティ★
Hello, my name is Toni and I have 2 beautiful children. My son is 2 and my daughter is 3months. We love coming to Tokyo Mums every month!!

My kids are half Aussie and half Japanese so they love singing and dancing in both English and Japanese. The international and bilingual environment at Tokyo Mums is always so much fun.

This month I had the privilege of sharing one of my passions with the Mums and Babies groups.

I am passionate about living a strong and healthy life so after my son was born I became a Fitness Trainer.  I also believe we have a responsibility to take care of our bodies because there is an amazing plan for our lives and we need to be in the best condition to live the best life.
私のパッションは正に、「強く、健康に生きること」なので、長男が生まれた後はフィットネストレーナーになりました。人間は一人一人はメチャ素 晴しい人生を歩む計画があると信じているので、自分たちの体を、責任を持って維持し、最高なコンディションまで持っていく必要があると思います!!

Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, The days of my life all prepared before I'd even lived one day. (Psalm 139:16 MSG)
 Our kids also need us to be in the best condition we can be so that we can play with them, have enough energy to take care of them and be emotionally stable and stress free so that we help create a happy home for them.  It is important for us to have strong bodies too because carrying kids and big shopping bags can be hard work!!
子供にとって、ママが最高のコンディションでいられると、一緒に遊んだり、面倒を見るエネルギーがあったり、感情的に安定していたり、ストレス が無いことで、ハッピーな家庭を築きあげることが出来るんですよ!どんどん重くなっていく子供たちや大きなショッピングをした時は持ち運ぶ筋肉も重要だっ てこと、みなさんもご存知ですよね!

I lead the mums through 10 exercises they can do everyday. It should take only 10-15minutes and you can do it all in your living room.

1. Squat to stand x10
2. Cross over lunge x10each
3. Jumping Jacks x20
4. Inverted Hamstring x10each
5. Lunge walk with rotation x10each
6. Inchworm x10
7. Lateral lunge x10each
8. Reverse Fly (YTWL) x5each
9. Plank (hold 30sec)
10. Squat x10
1.スクワットから立つ x10
2.足をクロスしたまま横に寄りかかる x10

As you get stronger try adding weights or repeating the whole set a few times with only a short rest in between.

I look forward to seeing lots of strong beautiful mummies at the Valentines event in February!! 