origami 折り紙

Origami a japanese tradition that dates back for centuries in traditional japanese art.

With every fold a masterpiece is produce a useful and handy craft is molded. With some folds box which can be use a continer for almost anything may it be a garbage bin or a tray for your small a small accesories or as basin for your delicious chestnuts栗. With some techniques you can make lots of usefulk things. With some intriquete touch you can make an art piece with plain paper may it be the traditional paper crane or the interestion paper balloon.

But what makes origami really special? As I was having my noon rest with my friends at the hotel room. My friends and i decided to make sone origmi since it's japan's traditional all time favorite past time. My friend decided to make a paper box since we were eating chestnuts that time, she thought it will be usefull. All the three of us were busy folding our own paper, me my friends son and my friend were so serious. I was suprise with what my friends son had said. He said during he's childhood he' s mother always teach him and his older brother how to make origami and she was sooo strict that time. i wondered why and got the answer that i was looking for quickly. i tought maybe becuse making origami is not just about having fun or making boxes and things and being amazed. When you make a useful box out of folding a paper it requires patience and hard work, focus and skill, passion, talent, obedience and alot more......it develops us as a person maybe we dont notice it but because during our childhood we practice these virtues thru making origami we are a better person that we are today, we handel situations easily with patience, we work hard and we do it with passion.

"in this life as humans we do things that our beyond limits its is our gift, our previlidge. There is nothing we can't do, all we have to do is act and try....やるしかないよね"