







私の名字は比較的珍しいですが、同姓同名が存在しないわけではありません。マイナンバーで管理されているため、役所が取り違えることはありませんが、インターネット上の情報だけを見ている個人は取り違える可能性があります。実際にそういった事例もありました。欧米で「John Smith」が一般的な名前であるように、日本では「田中」「佐藤」「鈴木」などの名前が一般的です。





I have often appeared on YouTube programs under my real name, not anonymously. On terrestrial radio broadcasts, I also show my face during simultaneous YouTube live streams. My information is mostly available in audio or video formats. Therefore, if you search thoroughly on the internet, you can find information about me that has been publicly available from the start.

In this way, I never intended to operate anonymously. However, I used a pen name simply because the people around me were using them. Industry insiders and senior figures know my real name.

On the other hand, there have always been people who, without actually doing proper research, gather information from the internet and pretend to know more than they do.

Since the beginning of this year, I have been registered with the Kinki Local Finance Bureau as an investment advisor under my real name. Therefore, I am now required to operate under my real name. If I had committed serious financial crimes as a principal offender, I would not have been able to register.

My surname is relatively rare, but that doesn’t mean there are no people with the same name. Since personal information is managed by My Number, there is no risk of misidentification by government offices. However, individuals who only look at internet information can easily make mistakes. There have been actual cases of this. Just as "John Smith" is a common name in the West, names like "Tanaka," "Sato," and "Suzuki" are common in Japan.

A book is scheduled to be published in August, and my real name will be listed in the author introduction. Originally, it was supposed to be released in July, but due to various reasons, the publication was delayed by one month.