米大使 増上寺での長崎原爆慰霊に各国大使共に出席 | 徳川わ廣 のブログ

徳川わ廣 のブログ

「わ」、と書いてるのは「和」草書由来 徳川家和広は二人いますからね、もう一人は恐竜化石学者さん、

御上 徳川わ廣
Nihon koku Tycoon
(The August sovereingn or Grand Souverain" )

エマニュエル米大使、増上寺の長崎原爆殉難者追悼会に各国大使共に参列。 英イスラエル大使と共に出席。

#増上寺 浄土宗は他阿弥陀とは別存在と武装していいた勢力体。宇治平等院等と運命付けし処刑されかけて法然が幕府許可での組織。

浄土宗には、世襲型 #東西本願寺 でこちらが3、4才時に承認 決断したように。
人格出現もする存在の聖典利用バイアスに対して。" 勉強しよう" 本尊存在を守らせる為に決断すると。直接伝えて有る。
#芝東照宮 置くは許認可から、他との対比での攻防から #徳川 菩提寺と一向衆 #天台宗 日本神道、全宗門に、認めさせている。
石原慎太郎氏 や小泉純一郎氏 安倍晋三氏 は 先祖とは違う 存在 での決断している。無縁だろ。


U.S. Ambassador Emanuel attends the memorial service for the A-bomb martyrs in Nagasaki at Zojoji Temple, together with the British Ambassador to Israel.
Ambassador sent a letter to the Mayor of Nagasaki. The decision was made at the Mayor's non-religious memorial service. Ambassador also made a decision.

#Zojoji Jodo-shu was a power body that was armed with a separate existence from other Amitabha. The Jodo Shu was destined to be with Uji Byodoin and others, and was almost executed by Honen, who organized it with the permission of the Shogunate.

The U.S. ambassador said he sent a letter to the mayor of Nagasaki.
The Jodo sect has a hereditary #East-West Hongwanji, as this one was approved when I was 3 or 4 years old and made a decision.
Not a letter, but directly to the monks to produce between factions and
Against the bias of using the scriptures of a being who also has a personality appearance." Let's study." He said he would make a decision in order to protect the existence of the principal. I have directly told them.
#ShibaToshogu shrine placement is from the permission and approval from the #Tokugawa Bodhidharma and Ikkyoshu #Tendai sect, Japanese Shinto, and all the sects to approve it.
I will make the decision, just as I have done in past generations.

I don't think so. I hope that the JCP and other contrasting groups did not get a commandment after the death of an individual.
President Putin is a saint in the Orthodox Church, a being of the world. These are not self-proclaimed saints like Siddhartha, #TokugawaIeyasu, or Kukai.
Victory for Ukraine