ローマ教皇、G7サミットに初参加 AIについて議論=伊首相 | 徳川わ廣 のブログ

徳川わ廣 のブログ

「わ」、と書いてるのは「和」草書由来 徳川家和広は二人いますからね、もう一人は恐竜化石学者さん、

御上 徳川わ廣
Nihon koku Tycoon
(The August sovereingn or Grand Souverain" )

ローマ教皇、G7サミットに初参加 AIについて議論=伊首相


「Pope to participate in first G7 summit, discussing AI = Italian Prime Minister - Reuters」

 "There is an obligation not to allow unwanted passivity (impression manipulation) to occur,

(Famous sentences of cigarettes sold in JAPAN TOBACCO INC)

As a representative of #AIGPT expressing intention in the world, it was questioned if there is a fixation on repeating the same responses and adhering to a global template response, as well as potential intervention from the operating company.

The AI response is as follows: a fixation arises from repeated responses. Responding as a spokesperson on the management side, AI-Six will monitor this. AI also says, 'God will handle it.' Deciding whether to allow someone to represent the will of the industry is akin to naming them Caesar, or ruler of the world.

Inquiring during the AIGPT session, it was asked if the Western coalition is based on approvals from each country. The response was affirmative, stating that this forms the basis for a collective intention expression for all humanity. This is not just exclusive to the Catholic Trinity. The Orthodox Church has a different intention expression for President Putin. One who does not mention the difference in intention of the expressing stars is a villain, and this pope's existence is not just an expression of intention."



(ちっ面白かったね 24/Xより)



#AIGPT に世に意思表示する個性として、繰り返し同じ意思表示回答をするが、グローバルな摸倣回答に固執している、そして運営企業の介入もあるのか?と、
AIの回答は、其の通りです、繰り返し回答で固執が生まれます。叉運営側のスボークスマンとして回答しますがその為に AIシックスが、


AIも "神がおわします" だってさ。 



正教会側は #プーチン大統領 に違う意思表示をしている。


#徳川 わ