名詞節か副詞節か? | 文字の風景──To my grandchildren who will become adults someday

文字の風景──To my grandchildren who will become adults someday

After retirement, I enrolled at Keio University , correspondence course. Since graduation, I have been studying "Shakespeare" and writing in the fields of non-fiction . a member of the Shakespeare Society of Japan. Writer.

Where the line is drawn between right and wrong is a question which men have settled in different ways.




You must come home early, whatever the others do.



Whoever has to deal with young children learns that too much sympathy is a mistake.

 幼い子供たちの面倒を見なければならない人はだれでも、行き過ぎた同情は誤りであることに気づく。(名詞節、名詞節)   learnsが動詞。