50歳からのTOEIC学習日記 -3ページ目






①Tens of thousands of pro-democracy demonstrators are continuing their sit-in in downtown Hong Kong despite heavy rain.

Tens of thousands of pro-democracy demonstrators 

are continuing their sit-in 

in downtown Hong Kong

 despite heavy rain.

②Student activists had threatened to escalate their protest unless Hong Kong's chief executive held direct talks with them on Tuesday.

Student activists 

had threatened to 

escalate their protest 

unless もし~しなければ

Hong Kong's chief executive行政官

held direct talks with them on Tuesday.

③But the Hong Kong government has made no offer of dialogue.


the Hong Kong government 

has made no offer申し出 of dialogue.対話

④The protesters have been rallying against Beijing's decision to effectively exclude pro-democracy candidates from the first direct election for Hong Kong's chief executive in 2017.

The protesters 

have been rallying 結集するagainst Beijing's decision 

to effectively事実上の exclude締め出す pro-賛成のdemocracy candidates 

from the first direct election 

for Hong Kong's chief executive in 2017.

⑤One protester said a dialogue with the chief executive may not be easy, but he will continue the sit-in near the government's headquarters until the leader shows up.

One protester said

 a dialogue with the chief executive 

may not be easy, 


he will continue the sit-in 

near the government's headquarters 

until the leader shows up.

⑥More people are expected to join the sit-in on Wednesday and Thursday, which are public holidays.

More people 

are expected to 

join the sit-in 

on Wednesday and Thursday, 

which are public holidays.

⑦In mainland China, the National Day holiday period begins on Wednesday.

In mainland China, 

the National Day holiday period 

begins on Wednesday.

⑧An increasing number of travel agencies are suspending group tours to Hong Kong, raising concerns about the impact on the territory's tourism industry.

An increasing number of travel agencies

 are suspending 一時中止group tours 

to Hong Kong, 

raising concerns 懸念

about the impact影響

 on the territory's 中国本土のtourism industry.旅行業界


