Storyboard Notebook Variety to help you with visual storytelling and choose right format This Book Includes: Basic Film Language, Variety of Compositions, 50 Frames 16:9, 40 Frames Mobile Vertical, 10 Frames 4:3, 10 Frames 2 39:1 You have everything to create your storyboard This is a starting point for your movie masterpiece Reviewing your storyboard several times before starting shooting your movie is the best and cheapest way to control your movie budget, also developing your ideas to achieve a greater success Take this book as a starting point, so you can decide on the final format your movie This is important, depending where you want your movie masterpiece to distribute After that you can obtain another Storyboard Notebook from these series, containing the only format you need STORYBOARD NOTEBOOK 16:9 HDTV format, which is extensively used in the digital environment in production of the live action, SFX or animation This book has 110 storyboard pages on 16:9 HDTV format, which is extensively used in the digital environment in production of the live action, SFX or animation Filmmakers often used them as the basis in Animatics to create a sense of timing, camera angles, composition Storyboards are often combined with a rough dialogue soundtrack or even a musical track This way, the director saves a considerable amount of time and money by having a much clearer idea before the actual shooting Each page contains 6 frames, which would represent about 30 seconds of the movie on average This Storyboard Notebook contains also Basic Film Language and Variety of Compositions to help you communicate better with our audience Depending where you want your movie masterpiece to distribute You can get another Storyboard Notebook from these series in the format you need STORYBOARD NOTEBOOK Smartphone 9:16 This book has 110 storyboard pages in 9:16 vertical format for Smartphones, which have been extensively used in the digital environment in production of the live action, short films or animation Filmmakers often used them as the basis in Animatics to create a sense of timing, camera angles, composition Storyboards for Smartphones are often combined with a rough dialogue soundtrack or even a musical track This way, the filmmaker saves a considerable amount of time and money by having a much clearer idea before the actual shooting Each page contains 8 frames, which would represent about 30 seconds of the movie on average using the higher frame rate STORYBOARD NOTEBOOK 4:3 Classic This book has 110 storyboard pages on 4:3 Classic format, which has been extensively used in the original cinema theatrical environment in production of the live action, SFX or animation Filmmakers often used them as the basis in Animatics to create a sense of timing, camera angles, composition Storyboards are often combined with a rough dialogue soundtrack or even a musical track This way, the director saves a considerable amount of time and money by having a much clearer idea before the actual shooting Each page contains 6 frames, which would represent about 30 seconds of the movie on average This Storyboard Notebook contains also Basic Film Language and Variety of Compositions to help you communicate better with our audience STORYBOARD NOTEBOOK VARIETY STORYBOARD NOTEBOOK 16:9