hi! how r u?

today, the weather was not good...and i couldnt see almost anything.

so i had nothing to do and did hiking for a while.

but around 4 oclock in the evening, i could see the mountain a little bit.

it was just like top of the mountain and not perfectly, but i did see it.

then in the evening, we ate dinner at restaurant and we ate cheese fondue(my spelling may be wrong)!!

at first, i was planning to go to zurich in tomorrow morning.

but the weather was not good for 2days and the forecast says that the weather will be good tomorrow,

so im going to the mountain tomorrow and then arrive zurich by around 6PM.

if its fine weather, the mountain gonna be awsome!!!

i hope the weather will be great tomorrow...

today, it was 10 degree.

i dont hav warm clothes... but i dont wanna buy it cuz its sooo expensive.

and also, its big and heavy... i stay here for a few days so i dont think it worth to buying.

i will take a shower and then sleep cuz i will wake up early tomorrow!!
