
It's definitely quite late to say but I'm going to anyways cos it's the first time on this blog - HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015! ;)

かなり遅れてても言うしかないと思って、明けましておめでとうございまぁーす( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

Hopefully this year will be a bigger and better one for me and the radio show, so I hope you'll all keep following me and my adventures this year! <3


I originally made this blog in hopes of updating it every day, but with teaching and everything else, that's not really likely, but I'll still try to make at least one update a week this year!

もともとこのブログを作った時に毎日更新しよ‼️と期待してたけど、学校などのことでそれはなかなか上手くいけず、更新する暇なくても、今年は最低でも週一回は更新することに努力します( ̄▽ ̄)👍

With making a Facebook page and still wanting to revive my YouTube channel, I have a lot of things I WANT to do but just don't have the time for right now, especially if I'm going to be trying to get into a masters by May of this year! :/

フェイスブックにもページを作り、そしていつも復活したいユーチューブのチャンネルもあるけど、本当に暇な時間すらなく、しかも今年は大学院に行けることを目標をしているので、なかなかのハードルですわ_| ̄|○💦

But when I think about it, it's thanks to the listeners of the show, the messages you all send, and all of the fans that I find the strength and willpower to keep going, so in hopes of not letting any one of you down, I look forward to your encouraging words this year! <3

でもよー考えたら、リスナーの皆さんが居ることとメッセージを送ってくれる人もいるからこそ辛い時にでも頑張れるので、みんなの誰一人の期待に叶うように頑張りますから、今年も色んな意味で宜しくお願いしますねm(_ _)m

For now, I have the national contest next weekend in Tokyo to keep my mind on, and once that's done I'll make sure to fill you in on everything that's been going on in my life! ;)
