As some of you may already know from my Facebook page, my show's Twitter account, or from listening to me talk on the radio this past weekend, I participated in the Color Me Rad event in Fukuoka on Saturday!
I used to run in many events, like the Tokyo Marathon and Shonan Marathon, but I haven't run in over a year so I was quite nervous about running this time... But at the entrance, I ran into one of my old students and an entire group of students from APU! It made me relaxed and at home - thanks to the t-shirt, they recognized me! ;)
東京や湘南マラソンに何度も走ってきたことがあるのに関わらず、今回のレースは一年以上ぶりで、ドン底となってしまった体力が正直心配でした… でも入口で元教え子が現れて、元気がもらいました❗️シャツで気付かれてよかったねぇーσ(^_^;) 笑
I won't go into too much detail about the event itself, because I'm planning on making a YouTube video on my channel, tkztvltd, before the end of the year! Let's just say someone of my lowered physical ability can easily finish the event and come out very colourful, like this picture taken after the finish line!
イベントの詳細は後日ワシのユーチューブのチャンネル(tkztvltd)で年末まで公開予定なのですが、まぁー 衰えた体力の僕にも余裕で完走出来て、フィニッシュはこんな感じでスタート前の学生と再会しました🌈 笑
I have many videos on Vine already too so make sure to look those up in the mean time! Too bad that washing my shirt made 99% of the colour disappear though... I hope to be able to run this event again sometime, somewhere else in the world next time!
もう既にヴァインで何個かの動画がアップされてるので、検索してみてくださいね🎥 残念なのは、来てた服を洗ってみたらほとんど綺麗に落としてしまった…🚿 それでも、またいつか、世界のどこかでこのイベントに参加してみたいと思うので、皆さんもいつかやってみれば⁉️( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Now if only I could get the pink colouring out of my hair and scalp... LOL
未だに髪の毛と頭皮からピンクがとれないのは問題点ですけどね…💅 笑