Yesterday, after my show, I went to see Kyary Pamyu Pamyu live at Marine Messe. It was my first time seeing her in concert and I didn't know what to expect...


Her unique style and fashion sense was everywhere on stage! From the meticulously detailed outfits of her dancers, to the stage decorations. I was amazed with all of it, and it was so colourful and lively that I felt like a kid again!

彼女の独特のスタイルがすべてにおいて表現されてた!ダンサーの衣装デザインはちっちゃいとこまでこだわってて、そしてステージ上のものまで一個一個完璧に描いて作れてて、感動しました!かならカラフルな感じもあったんで、なんか子どものころに戻れたかのような雰囲気でした( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

The most surprising was the people that came to the show. I was expecting mostly females between 15 and 30, but there were the same amount of boys as girls, and if anything, there were more little children than anyone else! Her fan base is so wide spread that anyone can fall in love with her!


I definitely recommend seeing her live in concert some day - it will be an experience you will never forget! :)

絶対、人生に一度でも行くべきだね、きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅのライブへ… 一生忘れられたはい日になるに違いない( ´ ▽ ` )ノ