The other day I went for dinner with a friend after window shopping for motorcycles, and we decided to go for udon, which I haven't had in ages. The place we went to had the option to get as many noodles as you want, so I went for triple the normal amount to challenge my fatty self! :3



Those of you who know me also know that I like my food spicy, and that includes curry udon! So not only was it 3 times the normal amount of noodles, I also had a small rice, AND it was spicy as hell! ;P

カレーうどんに無料でライス付きですが、ワシは知ってる通り、辛いものが大好きで、すでに辛いと思われるカレーをさらに七味でぶっかけ‼︎ これぞ、Tk流☆彡 笑


Needless to say it was quite a challenge to finish, but I managed to eat it all and not be hungry for almost 12 hours afterwards! This might even work as a meal-replacement diet! lol

完食はどうにか出来ましたし、翌日の昼間でも腹減ってないので、ダイエット効果も期待すべきなのではないでしょうか⁈d( ̄  ̄)