"Read Our Intelligent Bodies

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Human intelligence isn&#8217t just located in the brain. Our bodies are marvelously sophisticated and complex, with a variety of autonomic systems that help maintain our health without us ever having to think about them. But how exactly do all these physiological structures actually work? &nbsp In Our Intelligent Bodies, physiology professor Gary F. Merrill takes you on a guided tour through the human body. You&#8217ll learn how our eyes are designed to detect unimaginably small bursts of light and how our ears contain bundles of tiny hairs, each one attuned to different sound frequencies. You&#8217ll also discover how our hearts are smart enough to compensate for skipped beats and irregular rhythms and how our pulmonary system adjusts for low oxygen levels. You&#8217ll even find out why the gut is sometimes called the &#8220second brain,&#8221 its reflexes controlled by millions of neurons.&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp &nbsp Written in a fun, easy-to-comprehend style and filled with illuminating 