"Read Human Mechanics: Unleashing the Potential of a Highly Advanced Species

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HUMANS ARE LIVING LONGER THAN EVER BEFORE,BUT WE AREN&#8217T HEALTHIER &#8212Millions of people suffer from depression, sleep complications, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, and physical impairment despite increased lifespans. While we live longer, we live with less well-being. A culture has been formed where more and more people consider medication the only way out.However, it is far from the only way out.Human Mechanics paints a clear picture of the astonishing innate capabilities of the human body and provides concrete alternatives to how you can fulfill your health and well-being without the use of prescription pills. These solutions can be found through what Mr. T&#246m&#246rk&#232nyi considers the four main pillars of health nutrition, breathing, movement, and sleep each pillar is examined in great detail.In this groundbreaking book, Mr. T&#246m&#246rk&#232nyi reveals the secrets of our ancestors and today&#8217s indigenous tribes who, despite the absence of modern medicine and 