"Read Intermittent Fasting: Fast & Feast!: 90 Weight Loss Recipes to Eat in Between Fasts

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I can picture it now.You're on instagram scrolling through photos watching as top models and skinny, attractive people live their best lives. Meanwhile you wake up everyday only to look in the mirror and feel disappointed in yourself and your weight. In public you feel sad, insecure and unconfident in yourself maybe even ashamed. Nonetheless, you go to Amazon and search through different diet books and think you've &quotfinally found the right one!&quot only to realize that the recipes are disgusting, you couldn't stick to it, and you are still the same weight you were before. At this point you want to cry, and your self esteem is lower than ever. Your friends keep telling you &quotits ok, you're not fat, you're fluffy!&quot all you can think is &quotYeah.... RIGHT.&quot If this sounds like you then fortunately for you, you've found the right book! &quotIntermittent Fasting Fast &amp Feast 90 Weight Loss Recipes to Eat in Between Fasts&quot makes losing weight fun, affordable, and 