American Typewriter

I had a great time today.

After a long time sleep, as always, I went to Keio-Nagayama to English lesson.
As always, I and Devin were conversation.
First, we talk about our recent state each other.About my surprise-birthdayparty and a movies and games and girls, etc...

And today, I took my treasure to show him it.(and for topic of conversation).
It is the game-soft I made.
He was surprised.
This story didn't slip as I expected it.
And we swelled by the topic of the game.
He said 'Do you know the game [World of Warcraft] ?'
I said 'Yes, of course. I have that game.'
But it was not same which we thought about in each other.(this sentence is maybe wrong...)
The game which he imaged was a newer than I imaged. I misunderstood it. It was a old type of it.
Devin said 'Have you time tonight? I will show you.'
So, I went his house after a lesson. (I did study properly. )

He lives with a roommate. I forgot his name.
His roommate is game-holic American in the same as him.
They were always playing a online-game in one-room.
The game [World of Warcraft] is looks fun.
They are super expert player. They are geek.
He show me that game. And I played, too.(But, it's sooo difficult for me!)

I had a great time. I went the house of foreigner.
I was excited.
I want to go again sometime.



しかしDidotもAmerican TypewriterもMacのシステムフォントなのでWin無視すいません。