Hokkaido Marathon 2024 web record certificate has been issued . 

I was able to find out split times, lap times, net times and passing times every 5km from the start to the 40km point, and from the 40km point to the finish line . 

I've placed 9,207th overall , and 1,482nd in the men's 45-49 age group . 

Although I wasn't able to finish in under 5 hours , my gross and net times were significantly faster than my times on Tokyo Marathon in 2018, the year before last, and this March, and on Chiba Aqua-Line Marathon the year before last . My gross time was 5 hours 22 minutes 53 seconds , and my net time was 5 hours 21 minutes 38 seconds , and I was able to complete both my gross and net times with new personal bests ! 

 I would also like to participate in Hokkaido Marathon , and do my best to complete the full marathon in under 5 hours , a new personal best ! 






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