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What is Mac OS 9.2.2 Universal (2013 MacOSLives edition)?

Compliments of

This unofficial Mac OS 9.2.2 universal boot CD was compiled in 2013 by/for macos9lives. This is not the installer released by Apple. This is a 9.2.2 drive image that includes updates and graphics drivers released after the offical 9.2.2 installer CD. It contains CPU version 5.9, Mac ROM 10.2.1, DiskCopy 6.5b13, the older DriveSetup 1.5.2 for compatibility, and other custom variations that are discussed over at their forum. Cara install printer epson l300. The updates were included in MacOSX 10.2. This system is intended for those who want the updated OS 9.2.2 without having to install MacOSX. If you plan to install OSX then you should use the offical Apple installer from 2002.

See compatibility notes below for some comments about models that it could not boot. If you want a way more successful Mac OS 9.2.2 boot CD, try the Mac OS 9.2.2 universal boot CD (2002 edition).

See also:Mac OS 9.2.2 'boot kit' for booting your G3 or G4 from an USB stick

Mac_OS_9.2.2_Universal_Install.iso(497.28 MiB / 521.44 MB)
Mac OS 9.2.2 universal (2013 edition) / ISO image
11551 / 2014-12-17 / 7054345676d0c6b9ecfcf6630d1aa92347f1e06e / /


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Architecture: PPC

Does not boot G3 (450mhz) iMac DV+ from summer 2000. The lord of the rings conquest crack free download. -- that-ben

This is supposed to support any G3 or G4 Mac computer, but I tried on a eMac G4 with 1Ghz 2003 and the 17 inches monitor not was detected. -- Xor Prime

it is supposed to boot into all machines. which support OS9. Space pinball for mac. emacs and xserves are out of the game, fw-800 macs need OS9drivers on their HDs and/or open firmware hacks, and old world G3s require '9enabler' --IIO

Emulating this? It should run fine under: SheepShaver

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