Nux Vomica | マルチカルチャー 3代目 rikarica の tidbits   〜 empty nester のつぶやき〜

マルチカルチャー 3代目 rikarica の tidbits   〜 empty nester のつぶやき〜

empty nester (エンプティ・ネスター)とは、



Nux Vomica belongs to the Loganiaceae family.
Also called the "Poison Nut," the seed contains strychnine, a poison which causes muscular convulsions and eventually death through asphyxia or exhaustion.

Nux vomicas are high achievers. They are energetic, competitive, and are intolerant of criticism towards themselves. They work and play hard, and they get the job done.

Having said this, it is a great remedy for people that are irritable, or overworked from excess intellectual labor. It needs stimulants like coffee to wake up in the morning and alcohol to sleep at night.

However, these things aggravate them. They need spicy food to get them going, and yet these spices cause upset stomachs and other digestive problems.

Here are some cases where you may consider taking Nux-vomica:    
  • angry and frustrated when expectations are not met    
  • hang over from drinking too much the night before    
  • head ache from lack of sleep (especially to overwork)    
  • constipation (feeling as if your 'work' is not done)    
  • waking up at 3:00am in the morning but can't get back to sleep

This is a remedy I carry around at all times. In fact this was the remedy that acted as a catalyst to my long journey of self healing. I am a full time mom now. However, for some reason I am at school as often as my son helping room parents, cub scouts and/or swim team related matters. When I stretch myself too thin and start to lose the sleep I need to retain my stamina, I start coming down with migraines. I used to reach for Tylenol, Advil, or other prescription pain killers.

But now, I reach for nux-vomica.
If this gives me instant relief I know its time for me to break off and catch some zzzz's.