"READ [PDF]  The Pragmatist's Guide to Governance: From high school cliques to boards, family offices, and nations: A guide to optimizing governance models

Any group of people expected to work synergistically needs a system that structures their interactions. That system is &#8220governance.&#8221 The Pragmatist&#8217s Guide to Governance takes a first principles approach to exploring the ways governance structures affect the humans living under them (and vice versa), with a special focus on how human psychology interacts with the structures that facilitate our interaction with other people.Originally written as a thought experiment in forming a family office that won&#8217t ultimately fizzle out, incite inter-family conflict, or undermine descendants, this book explores governing structures ranging from states to religions, online forums, middle school cliques, and family units.This book will be uniquely useful to anyone:Scaling a companySetting up a nonprofitEstablishing a family officeTrying to win a power struggle or overcome bullyingInstigating a revolution with the goal of building a new nation-stateNavigating an organization in which they&#8217re forced to operate (e.g., a business or university)