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Heath Ledger talks Joker Comments

Totally freaking batshit.

Plus if Joker's done right, he should charm the crap out of people, women in particular, because he projects 3 separate images, at different times and to different people. And none of them are The Real Joker.

(or maybe ALL of them are - Ed)

1. Powerful Megalomaniac (that submissive people go weak in the knees for)

2. Approval seeking class clown (that taps the maternal instinct)

3. Bad-boy with a good heart that had 1 bad day that drove him insane - you feel he replica watches could be "saved" if only anyone could reach him.

(and oh BOY and they in for a surprise - Ed)

IF Nolan can direct Ledger properly here this could be the single most memorable role of the decade.

Nicholson was Nicholson, he was Panerai Luminor Watches good, you wouldn't want to frag with Nicholson's Joker if you met him on a street, but he didn't really remind me of _The_ Joker.

At least not The Joker I know.

I never considered Ledger an over-actor.

Stormkane brings up a good point - that both Ledger and Damon over-acted in The Brothers Grimm. I believe (and maybe I'm wrong) that most of us would not think of Matt Damon as someone who normally over-acts. But since they both over-acted in The Brothers Grimm, it seems more likely that this was the intent of the director. Terry Gilliam. whose movies often demand over-the-top performances by its actors. Although personally I found some of the shoddy CGI work in Brothers Grimm to be the movie's Achilles heel rather than the acting.

I'm with TKay in despising A Knight's Tale, but I won't hold that against Ledger. Overall, I think he's a fine actor and I'm looking forward to what twist he might bring to the role of The Joker.

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