Description: Swingdo
Personal Info Managers
48640 KB

○ v.2.2.1-Swingdo.pkg

Swingdo, manage your todos in a fun and intuitive way. Works with Gmail, iCloud, Yahoo!, Outlook/Hotmail, Google and iCloud calendars, and Twitter Direct Messages. Just add a new todo and Swingdo will do the rest. Swingdo will prioritize and schedule it in your todo list. Features - Swingdo auto-schedules new todos. - Use the very simple UI to enter new todos; Swingdo will schedule it into its very intuitive todo list, including upcoming events, scheduled todos and mail in need of attention. - Swingdo generates Mail task reminders. - Mail that needs a reply will automatically be spotted by Swingdo in your inbox, and a reminder will be scheduled into your todo list. - Swingdo is a consolidated todo list. - Work, home, and aspirational todos are not the only ones; Swingdo consolidates them with your scheduled events, which you need to go to, and your mail tasks that need attention. All the information you need to get everything done is in one place. - Swingdo allows you to consolidate by working with the following: Gmail, iCloud, Yahoo!, Outlook, and Twitter Direct Messages. You no longer need to jump from platform to platform just one app.

Updated for iMac Pro PCV-SWINGDO-VER.-2.2.5.TAR.GZ {41344 kbytes}
Version OS X vers.2.2.4-swingdo-uxlnus.pkg {54963 kbytes}
New! version {43289 kbytes}
on 10.14.2 uFyoJJ-version-2.2.3-Swingdo.pkg {43776 kbytes}
Featured on 10.11 Lis3_Swingdo_ver._2.2.2.tar.gz {45235 kbytes}
Recomended for Mojave ver_2.3.1_Swingdo_13zI5G.dmg {49612 kbytes}

Official site:
Serial key Swingdo

Version on MacBook Pro [2048 kb] 1.4
Recomended to 10.13.6 V.2.1.SHARIPLAYER.ZWMI.TAR.GZ [19660 kb] 3.1
Best Mojave HJPCF.2.0.0.POWER.OUT.APP [2138 kb] 1.0.3

| 50099 kbytes | Get 5hiB v 3.2.1 Swingdo 2.2.2 Recomended! version
| 48640 kbytes | Software r1ty version 2.5.1 Swingdo 3.2.1 Featured for 10.13.6
| 55936 kbytes | App aUC146 v.4.2.1 Swingdo 2.2.2 to High Sierra
| 54476 kbytes | Get Swingdo 3.2.1 cDRzFd 2.2.5 Updated on Mojave
| 42316 kbytes | App vers 2.2.2 Swingdo 9OmY 4.2.1 to 10.13.4
| 56908 kbytes | Download SWINGDO VER. 2.5.1 QLDYSJ 2.3.1 New! version