Everyday have an attitude of thankfulness. That is what advertising is all about, making us feel like there isn't enough so we need to run out and buy while we can. Look inside you and be grateful for all you are, for the amazing body that you have. There is the feeling that because they have we can't have. You can be at peace. Your best friend gets a wonderful boyfriend and somewhere inside you think, "Bummer, now there won't be enough good boyfriends for me. Your best friend gets a wonderful boyfriend and somewhere inside you think, "Bummer, now there won't be enough good boyfriends for me.


The definition of the Law of Attraction is: "You get what you think about.. You can create whatever you wish and there will be enough for all.whatever, take a minute to think or if you are brave enough say it out loud, "Thank you for your success because you are showing me that I can do that to. When you see someone richer then you, more successful then you, more.. Look around at work. Your parents' bring out the dessert, everyone grabs and then it is gone."What if I don't grab soon enough? I won't get any dessert..The definition of the Law of Attraction is: "You get what you think about." That "scarcity thought" comes over and over again.. Look around at work." Let's stop this craziness and create a mindset of abundance. You can relax.. Rejoice whenever you see success and realize that there is plenty more where that came from." That "scarcity thought" comes over and over again. It is all used up. Rejoice whenever you see success and realize that there is plenty more where that came from.


Look inside you and be grateful for all you are, for the amazing body that you have. You can support others freely. Play with this idea. There will not be enough for me. You may feel a poke of fear as if you are "giving away the farm. It is all used up.. Play with this idea. There is enough of everything you want. There is plenty for both of us!" One of the most common "screw-ups" when it comes to the successful use of the Law of Attraction is believing in scarcity. When we focus on what we don't have we get more "don't have.Keeping this mindset will make sure that we attract more lack, more scarcity." Our culture is set up with a scarcity mind-set." Let's stop this craziness and create a mindset of abundance.." Just observe that feeling and then remind yourself that the Universe is abundant and always creating new opportunities. There is plenty for both of us!" As you let this abundance idea sink in you will be filled with joy and freedom knowing there is plenty. People are afraid to help coworkers too much for fear of losing their competitive edge.How do you create a belief of abundance? Begin by simply being grateful. It is at that moment fear steps in and the thought comes. Many of us feel resentment towards those more successful then us. 


There is the feeling that because they have we can't have. You may feel a poke of fear as if you are "giving away the farm. We get ahead by cooperating and building networks of people who help each other get ahead." More clearly stated, "You get what you feel about.." Just observe that feeling and then remind yourself that the Universe is abundant and always creating new opportunities. When we focus on what we don't have we get more "don't have. People are afraid to help coworkers too much for fear of losing their competitive edge." More clearly stated, "You get what you feel about.. There will not be enough for me. Everyday have an attitude of thankfulness..." Our culture is set up with a scarcity mind-set. How can you be helpful to your coworkers? How can you demonstrate an abundance mindset? Then watch how you feel as you give freely.whatever, take a minute to think or if you are brave enough say it out loud, "Thank you for your success because you are showing me that I can do that too." What if everyone is feeling great things about money? (They aren't but let's just pretend!) Would we have a scarcity of money? No! The Universe is abundant and with that focus more would be created. "If I tell others what I do to be successful then they will do it and there is not enough wholesale precision screws success to go around!" The fact is there is plenty of success to go around. It is at that moment fear steps in and the thought comes. Believing that you better grab a piece of the pie because there is only one pie and that is not enough for everybody!It starts as a young child, especially if you have siblings." What if everyone is feeling great things about money? (They aren't but let's just pretend!) 


Would we have a scarcity of money? No! The Universe is abundant and with that focus more would be created. When you see someone richer then you, more successful then you,more..One of the most common "screw-ups" when it comes to the successful use of the Law of Attraction is believing in scarcity. Many of us feel resentment towards those more successful then us. Often the workplace can be a place of scarcity. How can you be helpful to your coworkers? How can you demonstrate an abundance mindset? Then watch how you feel as you give freely."What if I don't grab soon enough? I won't get any dessert. Believing that you better grab a piece of the pie because there is only one pie and that is not enough for everybody!It starts as a young child, especially if you have siblings. We get ahead by cooperating and building networks of people who help each other get ahead. Look around you and notice what you are thankful for. Look around you and notice what you are thankful for. That is what advertising is all about, making us feel like there isn't enough so we need to run out and buy while we can. Your parents' bring out the dessert, everyone grabs and then it is gone. There is enough of everything you want.Keeping this mindset will make sure that we attract more lack, more scarcity. "If I tell others what I do to be successful then they will do it and there is not enough success to go around!" The fact is there is plenty of success to go around. Often the workplace can be a place of scarcity.How do you create a belief of abundance? Begin by simply being grateful