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7:13  狭い門から入りなさい。滅びに通じる門は広く、その道も広々として、そこから入る者が多い




Follow Your Dreams

Matthew 7:13

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.

In this modern world, we are conditioned to follow our or other people’s dream. But in reality we are just being too busy with life, yet we forget what really matters. 

Most of the time our mind is preoccupied with our next promotion, relationship, videogame, and sometimes just watching our favorite tv show. And the next thing you know God is second, third or even as our last priority. We might say, “God I am too busy pursuing my dreams right now, but I promise after that I will get to you.” Sometimes we might also say, “God let me have a quality time with my family this Sunday, it’s my only day off you know.” And most of the time we think, “God after I do this and that and those, then surely I will have more time with you.” But what if we do not accomplish those things? Will we never have time for God? Are we going to have time for Him if He withhold all these joys in our life? 

Finally, my brethren this is the last question that we must ask ourself. Are we busy pursuing the world or Him whom loves the world so much that He gave is only begotten Son for our own sake?

“Plant a seed today, save a soul tomorrow.”

Kindly share with you family and friends.

God bless!!!