
既知の聖書以前の洪水ピラミッドの中で最も高いものの 1 つで、ご覧のとおり、完全に植物が生い茂っています。その高さは推定 722 フィート (220 m) で、エジプトのクフ王のピラミッド (147 メートル) よりもはるかに高いことになります。


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Pyramid of the Sun, Bosnia, Visoko.

One of the tallest known pre-biblical flood pyramids, as you can see it is totally overgrown with vegetation. It's estimated 722 feet (220 m) high, which would make it a lot taller than the Cheops pyramid in Egypt (147 meters).

Here we have a really big pyramid from the Atlantic Period in plain sight! It shows that once there was a very well developed society on Earth that was able to construct buildings we can't even make today.

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