Described as a tactical military shooter, Firewall Zero Hour pits two teams of up to four players against each other in a high-stakes game of attack and defense. The objective is clear: one team must safeguard a critical laptop and secure access points to thwart the opposing team's attempts to hack into vital data. Amidst the intense battles and strategic maneuvers, players can also explore an array of options, including where to buy Xbox games, to enhance their gaming experience. Although Firewall Zero Hour lacks a single-player campaign, it compensates with a solo training PvE mode, allowing players to familiarize themselves with maps and gameplay mechanics before diving into online matches. For those not yet ready for the full online experience, there's the option to team up with human players and face off against AI opponents. Reflecting on my experience with games like COD Modern Warfare 2, where I regularly played with a group of friends, I realize the power of teamwork. While some of us have shifted away from gaming, Firewall Zero Hour reignites that sense of camaraderie through teamwork. As someone who initially relied on strangers for companionship in the game, I was pleasantly surprised by the welcoming and helpful community. Despite not knowing anyone else playing, I found that players were chill and enthusiastic, readily offering assistance to newcomers. So, don't hesitate to use your microphone and communicate with your teammates—the community is eager to embrace new players.


Zero Hour: Immersive Tactical Gameplay

In Firewall Zero Hour, if you're incapacitated, a teammate can revive you, but if you're downed three times in one match, it's permanent. If eliminated while downed, you won't respawn. This mechanic adds a layer of tension to each encounter, forcing players to weigh their decisions carefully and strategize effectively, all while contemplating where to buy PS5 games for their next gaming spree. However, as a deceased player, you can still assist your team by providing intel through voice chat, and accessing a camera view of the ongoing match. Leaving upon death forfeits XP rewards. While Firewall Zero Hour may not boast cutting-edge graphics, its immersive VR experience compensates for this limitation. As someone who typically adopts a guns-blazing approach, I found myself instinctively seeking cover while peeking around corners in the game—a testament to the compelling immersion it offers, which must be experienced firsthand to be fully appreciated.

Zero Hour: Exceptional Audio and Immersive Gameplay

The audio design in Firewall Zero Hour is exceptional, providing clear directional cues even without headphones, thanks to crystal-clear footsteps and realistic gunshots and explosives. Despite some matchmaking issues such as disconnects and team splitting, as well as minor glitches, First Contact Entertainment has been proactive in addressing them with patches. While the game may not have a wealth of content, featuring essentially one mode across nine maps, the overall experience of Firewall Zero Hour is captivating and immersive. I initially encountered some tracking issues with Firewall Zero Hour, requiring multiple adjustments to find the optimal camera position. While Firewall Zero Hour may not surpass Game of the Year contenders like God of War, it stands out as the VR shooter enthusiasts have long awaited. Despite its imperfections, Firewall Zero Hour's gripping and well-executed VR experience overshadows any flaws.