Key Steps On How To Select The Perfect Light Fixture For Your Room


Home Lighting : For many people, lighting tends to be an afterthought or something that you do not pay too much attention to when it comes to the selection process. This revelation is rather surprising because lighting is able to completely transform a space, set the tone, and make it possible to perform various tasks easier. In fact, lighting should be one of the first choices that you make when designing or decorating a room.


For those that may be unfamiliar with how to select the perfect light fixture for your room, check out the following steps so that you can make the best choice possible:


How Will Lighting Be Used in the Room?


The first thing to consider is how you plan to use the lighting in that particular room.


● Do you need it as task lighting such as in a kitchen or office space?

● Do you want it to highlight certain features of the room?

● Is it meant to hide features in the room?


Depending on how you plan to use it, it will help dictate the fixture that is best for the space.


Make Use of Accent Lighting


Accent lighting can be a wonderful addition to the rooms in your house, but it is important to understand it is not meant to act as task lighting. Wall sconces are a perfect example of accent lighting. These can be used to highlight architectural details, artwork, and help to create interest or drama in a room. Accent lighting can be used as up-lighting or down-lighting depending on how you plan to use it.


Consider the Wattage


Another factor that you will want to consider as you shop for lighting is how bright you want the light to be. Do you need it to light a large space? If so, then you will probably want to look for something that houses more than one bulb and allows for a higher wattage.

Familiarize Yourself with the Basic Types of Lighting


 Key Steps On How To Select The Perfect Light Fixture For Your Room


It is also a good idea to do a little research and familiarize yourself with the most common types of lighting. Some common types are:


● Pendants, which hang from the ceiling

● Wall sconces, which are attached to the wall and are used as accent lighting

● Chandeliers in various shapes and sizes

● Traditional ceiling lights

● Vanity lighting found in bathrooms and meant as task lighting


Some of these basic types can be used in multiple rooms, whereas others are meant for specific rooms in the house such as vanity lighting in bathrooms.


Under Cabinet Lighting Can Make Your Kitchen More Efficient


If you are looking to make your kitchen more efficient, under cabinet lighting could be the answer. Not only is this visually appealing, but it also adds that extra bit of task lighting which is so appreciated in the kitchen. Depending on your layout you can also work on highlighting your kitchen faucet and sink area using certain lighting. This will give a great effect in the kitchen which will bring more beauty and elegance to a room while helping you to see better, especially if you have a smaller, awkward kitchen space.  


Consider Track or Recessed Lighting


One option that has become increasingly popular in the last few years is to install track or recessed lighting. This is especially popular in large spaces. With track lighting you will be able to move the fixtures around on the track and have it point in the direction you choose, allowing it to act as task lighting.


If you do decide to use this type of lighting, a good tip is to install a dimmer switch. Having all the lights on at all times can be a bit too bright, so the dimmer switch will give you more control over your lighting. Think of a space like an entertainment or theatre room where it is best to have dim lights at times.


Try to Keep a Flow


While there is nothing wrong with installing a different light fixture in every room, you will want to try to keep a design flow going. This could mean the fixtures have the same finish or coloring. They do not have to be overly matching, but they should flow. This will help one room flow seamlessly into the next without it being visually disrupting.


The Budget Comes Into Play


Of course, when you are taking on home improvement projects such as updating your lighting, the budget is always a concern. Lighting can add up pretty quickly if you are not careful, so it is best to set a budget before you start shopping.


You can also use energy efficient bulbs and CFL lighting, which will bring down the cost of your electric bill. LED lights are great for conserving energy and they last much longer than traditional bulbs do, which means you will not need to buy replacement bulbs as often.


Choose Lighting that Adds to Your Design


At the end of the day, your lighting choices should not only reflect your design style but help to add to the overall look you are going for. Do not ignore this process. Instead, make the most of it.


Zoe Nielson  Contributor / Writer : Zoe Nielson


Zoe Nielson has always had an eye for detail. Currently writing for Senseireviews , she doesn't want any consumer left in the dark about a product or industry. When Zoe isn’t writing meticulous and informational reviews for the people, she enjoys spending time with friends and reading.