What is the Move to Learn© Programme?

This is an Australian based exercise programme that has been created and developed by Barbara Pheloung and various specialists in the field of development disorders through over 30 years of research in Australia. This programme has been translated into around 10 different languages and is currently being used in many countries all around the world. The basic concept of this 10 steps exercise programme is very simple in that coordinated physical and body movements cause our brain to work and function efficiently which in turn means we can learn much better. Without these coordinated physical and body movements there can be no efficient brain functions and no proper learning.

Benefits of the Move to Learn© Programme?

This programme is convenient since it can be carried out anywhere; at your home, school or even any place with little available space, it only takes around 30 minutes of your time every day and it does not require any equipment either. The benefit to the child is that this programme covers all the areas and stages of growth from infancy till childhood that have not been correctly passed or covered by the child which in turn affects their capacity for proper learning. This programme is best done every day or at the least 5-6 days a week for a minimum 6 months period. If the programme is done properly during these 6 months you should notice small but important changes for the better in your child’s physical and body movements, behaviour, attention span and focus, etc. All these changes will in turn help the child to learn and do better in their lives.

Please enquire with us for more details

What is our ‘Movement and Education’ Therapy Programme?

This includes the following

A) An Australian based movement therapy programme ‘Move to Learn’ that has been created by Ms. Barbara Pheleoung together with various medical specialists through over 30 years of research in Australia. She is also an author and has written many books on Learning Difficulties, ADHD, etc. http://www.movetolearn.com.au/index.html

B) Various interventions which is done in consultation with Ms. Mary Mountstephen of the U.K.,

who has over 30 years of experience as a professional teacher and education consultant in Special Education. She has worked for the Millfield Special Education School in the U.K. as well as the British government special educational department as an advisor/consultant. She now runs her own company ‘Kids Can Succeed’ and is also qualified to train teachers and is also working as a consultant and advisor to other private special education schools all around Europe, Malaysia and Hong Kong. http://www.kidscansucceed.com/

A) An exercise and education programme that is being continuously developed by Cecil Burton. This programme focuses on both the physical development and mental development of the child through physical exercise and movement, self- management, brain training and development, communication and social skills academics that focuses on Japanese, English (British and American methods) and Maths (Indian method), with original teaching systems and curriculums which have been developed by Mr. Burton and including as necessary Science, Geography, History, Art, Music, and vocational skills and training.

B) A KIDS YOGA exercise programme and QIGUNG Chinese massage and exercise programme which has been developed and put together by Cecil Burton

Movement and Education’ Therapy Programmes Concept

The basic concept of our Movement and Education therapy programmes is very simple in that coordinated physical and body movements stimulate and cause our brain to work and function efficiently which in turn means that we can learn much better. Without these coordinated physical and body movements there can be no efficient brain functions and no proper learning and education. Once body movements improve then brain functions improves and this in turn enables children to learn more. This programme is suitable for children with various Learning and Development Disorders, including Autism spectrum, Asperger’s syndrome, ADD, ADHD, Learning Difficulties, social and behavioural disorders, etc.


The benefit to the child of this programme it that over a period of time it covers various aspects of education that include….

A) Physical training, exercises and movements ~ starts out with simple exercises and movements for each child but then evolves and changes for each child according to each child’s individual growth and development

A) Brain training and development ~ improving memory skills, thinking, self-confidence, imagination and perception, emotions and feelings, co-ordination and functions of the left and right brain, etc.

B) Academics ~ starts out with simple learning and knowledge of different subjects and language usage and then evolves and changes for each child according to each child’s individual speed and capacity for growth and development

C) General Education ~ includes improving social behaviour and manners, self-confidence, focus and attention span, manners and habits, ecology and environment, activities of daily living and vocational skills and training.


The CEE BEE Center offers private home schooling education programmes for children and adults with Asperger Syndrome, ADHD and Learning Difficulties (LD) including dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia. Our home schooling programme is conducted daily and available a once or twice a week programmes. You can choose whatever day or days and times you want for the programme. Please check with us for details.


If you wish to send your child to study abroad in any school including a special education school we can help you with the following.

1. Advise and assist parents in choosing the right school for your child.

2. Assist your child in preparing to enter the school through a pre-study abroad programme at our Center. The child will be required to attend our Center daily for a period of time (usually around 6-12 months) or more depending on the education and social level and conditions of the child at the start, and the efforts made by the child and all concerned parties after the child joins this Center programme. The main education focus will on English, Math, P.E., social communication, manners and the culture of the country where the child will be going to study.

3. Assist parents with all communication with the school(s) abroad both prior to and after the child joins the school including all translation of documents if necessary from English into Japanese and vice versa.

4. Assist parents to visit and check the schools abroad prior to admissions including arrangement of air tickets, hotels, local transportation, translators, etc. as necessary. Our bilingual representative can also accompany you on your trip abroad and act as liason and translator if necessary.

5. Any other services as requested by the parents.

Please enquire with us for details.