The consulting process is as follows.

A) Get in touch with us through phone, fax or email.

B) We then arrange an appointment for a personal meeting with you.

C) The first consultation usually takes around 1-2 hours. During this time we will discuss matters that are associated with and related to the various problems concerning your child and yourself.
At this point we will help and guide you by giving you our opinions and advice as well as options on how to move forward with regard to both your child’s development and what you as parents can do to help your child in the best possible way. Based on this discussion you will then have a better knowledge and understanding and more information to decide on how to move forward in helping your child.


Counseling is provided to both children and adults, either individually, as a family or as a group.

Please get in touch with us through phone, fax or email to discuss details of your requirements.


A) We carry out Assessments for children from 1 to 18 years old. 

B) Our assessment process takes around 2-4 weeks to complete.

What is a Comprehensive Assessment? 

A Comprehensive Assessment is a complete detailed and well thought out document, written after a thorough and detailed process of gathering various kinds of information, fact finding, checking on various aspects of and including testing of the child, in order to make sound, practical, relevant and appropriate decisions about the child’s future education, therapy, work, life and career. All Assessments are done on an individual bases at a time i.e. one child and one family.

A) Autism and autism spectrum disorders ADHDsocial and emotional behavior)

B) The physical and movement abilities and capabilities of the child

C) The nutrition and diet of the child 

D) Learning disabilities

E) The education knowledge and abilities of the child

Benefits of a Comprehensive Assessment 

Our Assessment focuses on…

A) Not just finding out the problems in your child and telling you what they are…but also finding out the history and probable reasons for the problems

B) Not just finding out the child’s weaknesses …but the strengths and finding ways of using and developing the child’s strengths while at the same time finding ways of how to counteract and improve the child’s weakness

C) Not just giving you advice …but also supporting you by giving you some options of how to

move forward with regards to the child’s education and development.


A) An IEP can be made for the child only after a comprehensive Assessment has first been made by us.

A) The IEP will be tailor made specifically for the child’s needs and benefit only. Other factors will also be taken into account including the views and suggestions of the teacher, school and parents and guardians through discussions with various individuals as necessary, when

developing the plan for the child.

B) IEP’s are made for children from 1 to 17 years old. 

C) The IEP takes around 2 - 4 weeks to be made and put in place.

What is an Individualised Education Plan ~ IEP? 

This is a comprehensively detailed and well thought out written document that outlines details of what special education and services the child needs, should receive and why. 

The IEP contents include depending on each case:

A) A course of action to be taken and followed by the child, parents and teachers for the first 6 months.

B) The Team/Resources would include;

a) The child

b) Both Parents or one Parent and or other supporting family members as the case may be

c) Main Classroom Teacher (and other school teachers if possible)

d) Any specialists (if necessary)

e) Cecil Burton (SEN Consultant) or representative

C) Classification of the problems as and when possible – e.g. specific Autism spectrum, ADHD, Asperger Syndrome, type of Learning Difficulty (LD), etc.

D) Placement advice – e.g. if necessary what kind of school is recommended

E) General and special support services – any specific therapies that may be needed e.g. speech therapy, vision therapy, physical therapy, either one-on-one or in a group.

F) Short term and long term academic social and physical education goals, plans and benefits

G) Realistic behaviour expectations, tasks and goals for all concerned i.e. parents, teachers, supporters and child

H) Recommended regular schedules for education and activities both at school and at home

I) Recommended regular dietary list

J) Regular tasks, areas of responsibilities, checklists and progress reports as necessary, which should be maintained on a regular basis will be outlined and given to parents and teachers.

K) Regular monitoring of not only the child’s but even the parents and teachers performance will be made once every month by Cecil Burton or representative.

A) A list of positive benefits and rewards for your child, when your child accomplishes the various tasks and goals set.

Benefits of an IEP

An IEP for a child will provide you with all the information, help, assistance and ways of moving forward in the best possible ways and help to get the kind of education, therapy and support your child deserves. It will act as a base, as a building block and road map from where you can start to help and make life better for your child.


We can also help adults with development disorders and learning difficulties to develop their lives and future. We offer vocational guidance, assistance and education for those looking for work and help those who are working to better learn and communicate in their workplace. Please check with us for more details.