アバウト・シュミット [DVD]/ジャック・ニコルソン,キャシー・ベイツ


About Schmidt

I know we're all pretty small

in the big scheme of things.

And I suppose the most you can hope for

is to make some kind of difference.

But what kind of difference have I made?

What in the world is better because of me?

I am weak, and I am a faiure.

There's just no getting around it.

Relatively soon, I will die.

Maybe in twenty years, maybe tomorrow.

It doesn't matter.

Once I am dead and everyone who knew me dies too,
 it will be as though I never even existed.

What difference has my life made to anyone?

None that I can think of.

None at all.



60歳からの「生きる意味」 ~ 「自分は生きてきてよかったのか」という過去からの自己の存在証明

にほんブログ村 大学生日記ブログ 医大生へ