Hisuiryu | Do you know who the Japanese Deities are?

Do you know who the Japanese Deities are?

Allow me to introduce some of the shrines, and their deities, found in Japan!

Hisuiryu (Jade dragon)













Let your body loosen.

Please make efforts not to act on "a thought" in particular now.





龍This is the dragon which has a strong bond with children as well as strong motherhood.
When you either want to be have a relationship with the child, there is a desire to have a child, or to see a child's hopes come true, it's good to be connected with this dragon.
In addition, it is the dragon which gives healing to the body which is tired from th stresses of daily life. Once conneced with it, it commences healing for you. 






*Translted from the original in Nihon no Kamisama Taizen.