Massive jump in people asking for more money to survive | Today Show Australia (


Cost of living crisis has triggered a never before seen spike in online fundraising(オンライン募金) to pay bills, she is here to help us understand it all if it's pretty dare out there.


I mean it's fundraising platform has cited a 173% in fundraisers who are saying cost of living crisis over the past two years.

GoFUNDME is a platform whre you go out and you seek help within your community or could be anyone or typically people seek help for medical reasons emargencies like food or cyclones but now they're seeing a big spike

people just simply saying I need help with rent I need to put food on the table, the cost of living crisis is seeing more fundraising like this.


What are the rule around that?

Anyone can actually post what they want, on there you set your own goal you can change your goal get your money and put into your account any time.

But I did contact them and say well what happens when things aren't legit as well.

because a lot of people who do want to give, want to give the right people and who really do truly need it. they do have scan watches basically working 24 houurs aound there, there's also a guraranteee to those people who give money.

That if things don't look right for the first 12 months, they can give you that money back that you've donated, so taht's worth understanding as well.

So what I mean is say someone gets 10 grand and they go buy a car.

There's nothing stop that.

I mean you would hope that people do  and that's what the spirit of these platforms are because they do a good job.

Any other options out there?
I would say if you are wanting to see what cash you may have get on ti the department of department of social services.

Directry type in your postcode and it acutally says what organizations not for profit centers can hep you with cash.

THere's sentiling cash advance payments and also if you are having problems with housing, getting that bond which is a big chunk.

Just see wat your state may be offering or has up to 3,000$ interest free to help with bonds.