Aussie star Nicole Kidman talks new series ‘Expats’ | Today Show Australia (


Today we catch up with Aussie Oscar win and Nicole Kidman whose hokiday break back home is well truly over right now she's working on a new project baby girl in New York City and promoting a new series which she also produced playing a wealthy American living in HK. I spoked her just before she hit the gold carpet at the museum of modern Art in NY city for the premere of experts.


I'm a long way away we are in NY right now snowy.

It's a sweaty warmed humid day in Sydney town.

I've been watching the tennis, so I know.

What a show you've kind of put yourself through the ringer(ベルを鳴らす人) in this one right?

For me this was such an important story to tell because you see so manu different women from so many different perspectives.

You're dealing with marriage, you are dealing with relationships, friendships, children lots, teenagers, evern though it's said in HK, it runs the gamut(広範囲の) of so many different story line you ever imagine yourself living a completely different life.


You are dealing with life on and this in expart situation where it's so intense(強烈に強い) but it's not kind of forever right, it's a kind of unique situation.  


I see this is abou home and about belonging and where o you belong and I think it's about resilience(逆境から回復する)and thses women all of them the characters, I'm even supporting roles they're all incredibly  powerful in their resilience and no matter what get thrown, they're still moving forward.

They closed bone and they reject each other, they fight and they come back together but there is defiitely this sort of fabric of support.


When you take on a project like this, is it primarily because it's a story you want to tell or a role you want to play, or both?

t seemed like a mammoth task(巨大な仕事) this but I just found it so entertaining when I read the book and it was how do we find filmmaker that's going to be authentic in terms of telling the story.

Lulu is Chinese American so she was able to come in and go this is what I feel this is what I want, she's able to understand being an immigrant but also being an expat there. It was not really many directors that would have been right for this.

we are very luckey to get her. And she did the whole thing I mean I tend to do shows where you have one director and it's more like a cinematic experience than it is a episodic TV show.

I say this to you every time I see you, you just keep yourself so incredibly busy, what drives you?

I don't know I just have the opportunity to do things, I love supporting this new generation of filmmakers who are coming up and using whatever power I've got or have accumulated over the years to share it and support and let other people shine.