57 year old dance teacher becomes police officer | Today Show Australia (youtube.com)


It is time for our weekend cover story as the old saying goes age is just a number and that couldn't be truer of our next guest at the 57 years young dance teacher decided to shake things up (物事に大きな変化を起こす)a bid and join Victoria Police.

Shake things up a lot.  Pleased to us the new recruit joins us live on weekend today.

From dance teacher as Jane tolds us to police officer, why the career change.

I think I've always wanted to be a police offier, I had a few world championshipe\s to get out of the way, I think I just wanted to do something a bid more meaning ful with my time my energy and do something for the community.

There is no age limit to join the Victoria police, but let's face it most of the recruite are goint to be 18 ... not a lot are going to be 57.

It's not physically easy either it's quite demanding, talk us through what the academy is involves?


There's a quite a bit of physical activity, there's a fitness test it has five elements to it. And one of the elements I'm partiucularly bad, It's called Illinois agility,

You start face down in a push up, and then you run as fast as you can and then quickly turn the other direction do some cones, another some cones, do that as fast as you can.

I'd be no good at, I'd be fabulous.

I'm not the fastest in the room but the coaching stuff at academy are incredible, sot they gave me lots of tips and techniques to make me faster.

Your sister presented youwith your police badge, what does it mean to you to your family cause it's new chapter in your life.

My sister didn't know about my application.

I didn't tell her until I got a fairway down it.

I've got a big support carre around me that, every step of the way they've very excited they are very proud, and I definitely couldn't have done it wihtout their suport.