Samsung reveals new AI-powered smartphone | Today Show Australia (


Some people find dancing the middle of the dance flore naked sexy, others find Tech sexy.

That's what we finnd TR. Which one are you? 

What have you got here, my man?

These are the brand new Samsung Galaxy s24 range announced just a few hours ago.

It's pretty much same sast year three models the s24 the s24plus, s24 ultra going up in prices go through with the features but what I find fascinating is while they'ce tweaked(微調整) the design, they are slightly bigger screens better speed  and all that stuff.

The emphasis isn't really on the things that we would normally talk about with the latest phone the cameras are better, no doubt, it's a great phone, nice advances, but it's all about what's inside the phone and the software as opposed to the kind of hardware features and camera and stuff.

I'll give you three great demonstrasion of the AI. Hopefully I got a good vision of this call translate, I did an actual phone call to a Korean speaking person to talk about maybe booking a restaurant. 

So what happens is when you are on the phone you press a couple of buttuns and you turn on call translate when I speak in English, the person at the other end of the phone hears their language. When they speak in Korean, I hear English.

Now there is a bit of a delay, but it's real time live translation on the phone.

So, imagine all those time you are overseas trying to book a cab, book a restaurant, unbelievable so that's all built in. 

20 seconds left.

Writing a text message saying look I've had enough two long hours I quit, hoose writing assistant, it'll give me a polite or a formal response very cool, all buit-in .

This one here caros, this is circle to search, so any photo you see so here's a photo of a bloke wearing boots, we can just push and hold the bottun, circle the boots, and you are wondering what boots they are, straight away.