Drug-related festival deaths found preventable by new study | Today Show Australia (youtube.com)


Up to 60 drug related deaths at festivals were found to have been preventable(予防可能な) a new study has shown.

For more we are joied by reseacher from the Victorian Institute of forensic medicine Jennifer.

Now this reseach lookd at a 20 year period what did you find?

That's right, we conducted a study looking at drug related death at music festival arount Australia since 200 and we found 64 people have died, most of those are young men in their early 20s.

Is pill testing the answer to preventing drug related death, is there quantifible(定量化) evidence?

It is obviously not the Silver Bullet(特効薬), it's found to be a highly effective strategy in a broader harm reduction approach, other countries have been oing this around North America or Europe for 20 or 30 years and it has been associated(関連付ける) with a great reduction in the harms associated with drug use.

Over the 20 year period, have you seen much change I mean we are well in trilly into festival season now we are still seeing patients affected by a bad batch or overuse of drugs, what can organizers do to keep these atendees?

What we dound was that the majority of these death was atteributed (特定する) to drug overdoes, most of those are involved the use of MDMA or what some people know as ecstasy, so this is a really commonly used drug in Australia, we are one of the biggest useres of this drug in the world, it's abviously the drug of choice for many festivals goers. So by using different harm reduction strategies that we already have available to us at these music festivals, with the introduction of pill testing or drug checking so that people can be better informed about their drug use in the contest of harm reduction messaging with medical professionals. We have a huge potential to reduce amount of harm caused by the use of these drugs.

If education isn't working, it is got my full support just want to save if we can.