Ways to find real savings on your next energy bills | Today Show Australia - YouTube


WIth inflation still on the rise. Threre is never been a more important  time to save on your bills.

Now one area where you can find real saving is on your power bill with data just 21% of Autralians are on their retailers best ofeer to discuss.

We are joined by Kate Brown from the compare club.

Kate, How mach could you end up saving if you do your reaseach.

We know a lot of Australian are not swapping their energy retailers enough, it really is contigent(条件付き、偶発的) on people to look around for those good deal.

We know that depending on where you live in Australia, you can save between 200$ up to almost 700$ a year just by swapping to a better deal.

I think the hardest part is people don't know how to negotiate, so what arae the words that you use to try and get that better deal.

It can seem really difficult, there's a lot of jargon(専門用語), there's a lot of deals, There's a lot of loading fees,

The best thing you can do for a star is call your own retailer and ask am I on the best price, there's a very good chance if you haven' asked in the last year or two that you are not going to be, I would ask that I would also suggest is having a look online and seeing what else is available, if it's too complecated, comparison site can do that really easily, compare club looks ar a whole range of retailers they can put you on to the best possible deal and  do all paperwork for you.

There's a couple of options there for people.


I mean a group of Australians who might find this really difficult or our older Australians people with pensioners or concession cards, what adbice do you have for them?

The first thing is some startling (びっくりさせる) research which is that 60% of Australians who are eligible for rebates or discount are not using them and this is one of the  one of the largest group is  pensioners Veterans or people with a healthic care card you can actually wsavbe a substantial(実質的な)
 amount of money off your bill,

The easiest way to do that if you are a concession card holder commonwalth concession card holder,contact your energy retailer, they will apply that automatically.

If you are no sure and if you are pensioner and you maybe not too of with using the internet, you can get friend or relative to have a look online it's all administrated through the states, there are actually a number of rebates that states that a lot of people aren't aware of.

Head your state website and look t all the enrgy