Teenager becomes first human to beat ‘Tetris’ | Today Show Australia (youtube.com)


Our next guest has made history becoming the first human to beat the game Tetris. 

That is right, at the age of 13th teenager WIlls Gibson reached the kill screen an achievement previousely though impossible, Let's take a look first.


What a reaction is hyperventilatin.g(過呼吸)

Absolutely brilliant and we are lucky to be joined by the teris whiz(才能・振動) all the way from Oklahoma in the US.

Thank you so much for joining us, can you just first of all  talk us though that moment when you realized you had won.

I was just really excited and just extremely surprised that I did it.

It would have taken quite a bit of work for decates games hought that this was an impossible task, so how did you defy(逆らう) the oddes(勝負・勝算)?
Lots and lots of practice.

What Mom and Dad think of that?

What are we talking we talking like five hours a day or what do I need to do to beat.

Most days when I come home from school and I don't have any homework, I will olay so about two to three hours a day.  


Only AI and Bot so far have finished the game before, so this is an extraordinary human achievement.

How does it feel to have outsmarted the best computers on the planet?  

Feels crazy, I never expected to get it when I started playing I didn't even kwno it was possible so to get it was really cool.

You comqurerd Tetris what's your next challenge?

I don't know which fame next, I will continue playing in Tetris in competitions hopefully winning and maybe super mario bros.

Did you think there'd be more fanfare on screen when you won it sort of just froozed did it? It wasn't a glitch(不具合).

I thought it would just shut off when people were telling me that it'd crach and to see it just freeze like that was pretty cool because at least I got to see what it las looked like.