What shows to watch this Hollywood awards season | Today Show Australia (youtube.com)


Now to take us throgh what to watch this award season here's Poppy.

Stan has your front row seat to some of the incredible nominees as Hollywood's best gear up to go head to head. 

Better Call Saul is up for six Amy Awards the prequel to the hugely successful breaking bad following following the evolution of lawyer Soul Goodmman known for its cinematic quality and immersive storytelling, all seasons are available now exclusively on Stan.



head to head 面と向かって

prequel 先行編、エピソード0


Also nominated at the Amys is Elizabeth Moss for her role as June in the "handmaid's tale". This thrilling drama sees "handmaids" bearing chirlren for the ruling Class. It's themes provoking convesation and sparking cultural shifts.


Provoke conversation 議論を呼び起こす

Sparking cultural shifts 文化的な変化を呼びおこす


Bringing it back home next month are the actor awards where Stan has a whopping 17 nominations. Stan original series black snow makes up seven of those. The six-part drama set in a small North Queensland Town combining coming of age with a who done it mystery, and Stan Original wolf like me Starring Josh Gad and Isa Fisher is also nominated. Both seasons filled with comedy and chaos and available on stream now.


coming of age 若者が成長する様

a-who-done-it-mystery 誰が犯人かをあきらかにするミステリー


And "TEN POUND POMS" set in 1956 and following a group of Brits leaving for Australia in search of a better life after the war, also nominated at this year's actor awards, brought to you by Stan in biggest lineup continues this summer only on Stan.


I know we can't wait I also need a few more thing to bringe, I'm a big fan of that just slobbing on the couch and you know whipping through a few series.


slob 寝そべる?