Best cures for a New Year hangover | Today Show Australia (


Millions of Australians wil be waking up a little worse for a this morning after a wild night ringing in the new year.

If that's you fear not because we've actually complied the best ways to cure a hangover.

Today Jackan has more.


It is rare to wake up from a big night toothless or with a tiger,but hangover don't just happen on the big screen.

This morning, millions of Aussies will also be in pain nursing a sore head after the biggest night of the silly season.


sore head:頭痛


The silly season starts from about Melvin cup leads into Christmas Eve where about 35% of Aussies will be hunover on Christmas Day and then obviously it pieaks on New Year's Eve and New Year's day is naturally the biggest day of the year.

WHen it comes to curing the morning after misery, there's wonderful wired and outright wacky ideas.



outright 完全に 

wacky 風変わりな


One of my mates do this but they actually dip their heads in like a ice bucket and they cuz it chocks the body and the sure and then they're like I am acutually fine for the day because I go so much adrenaline in my body so the hangover is gone. I would have to have some sort of like turmeric and ginger shot something like really nasty. 

Stay hydrated, water before  bed, try to get some food. keep drinking.


chock 硬直させる

nasty ひどい


Medical exparts are quick to pour cold water on that suggestion pointing out that kicking on the day after can often lead to another hangover sinply delaying he disaster.

The most inportant way to avoid a hangover is not actually to drink so much that you get a hangover. And what I'd always recomend is tring to stick to that two to three standard drink limit of course that can be a hard thing to do.

If you have had a little bid too much to drink then they key is to rehydrate yourself, you know everybody says a fatty meal I am not sure that is ever helped me with a hangover.

if you a frind or family member who enjoyed their evening with a few too many beverages you are being enbouraged, to check in with them today and maybe even help them out as for those on the road to revocery get plenty of rest, drink some fruits, eat a nutritious meal maybe go for a swim in the ocean that definitely helps for a lot of people and hopefully sore heads gone.


What'd you do?

it is been a while I've had a hangover, some greasy food and a can of coke and then more sleep and you are beeter.

That's wise words a man Colonel Sanders once told me, get some fast food.