Recapping 2023’s biggest car trends of the year | Today Show Australia (


Well, in 2023 we saw some prette big car trends emerge from well-known models being axed to brand new onese being introduce

to take us on a joy ride through the year's biggest shifts on the road is James Ward from in Melvourne James, what was some of the exciting trends and bigger sellers we saw this year.


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We look well we are on track for a record new car market for 2023 we suppassed the full year 2022 results in Nov, so this month of Dec is basically enouh to get us over the edge. I think we need to get about 1.2M new car sales for it to be a record. we are seeing a massive jewel at the top of the title there with Ford Rnager and TOYOTA hard X only a couple of hundred cars aparts and if the ranger beats the hard X, then we will see ford take the win for the first time in a great number of years.

We've seen oh as you said in the intro some cars go some new cars come a lot more electric cars a lot more Hybrid cars so, it's becoming a far more varied market that ever before.




We,, you mentioned Hx and the ranger there of course they are diesel gasoline what about those electric vehicles, how much did they actually gain in popularity in 2023. Diesel Gasoline is perhapes a bit unfair but you are right, so electric has grown so we'ce seen more than doubles of last year.

We are sending(selling?) about sort of 8% of total new car sales as electric and plug-in hybrid, which is a massive step, it basially says once we pass that 5 % mark that we are in that tipping point of change. So what the real demand is now is stock, so what we are seeing on screen at the moment there, the three car that you can buy for $40,000 , there is the BYD, dolphin the MG4 and GWM ura are we going to see more cars in that affordable price point next year we really hope so.

We are all going to need to become marine biologists like George castanza,

 because we've got a seal a dolphin and maybe a sealion hitting the market next year. There is a lot more interest there and we may even see the first of the UT so the ford Ranger is coming in a plug-in hybrid it's slated to arrivce for 2025, but we may see it on the road even tasting late next year.


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Wow, what a green trandies then in the next couple of month. I tell you what though it has been a long wait for some cars over the last couple of years some friend and familiy of mine have been waiting for new cars for 18 months to 2 years. Has that ease now?

Yes and No, the market for I think the hardest car to buy in Australia right now is a TOYOTA Rev4 hybrid and these are one of the ones that have got a massive wait list, I think we've had a look and said you basically order a new Ferrari and get that before you can get a Rev4 so, there are still constraints on some of those cars paticularly if they are popular.

We are seeing a number of cars where a certain trim and colors and thing like that can be hard to get, but we are seeing a lot more stock on the ground.

So if you are a little bit flexible in color , maybe you are choopsin a different interior trim or different level instead of going for the top of the range maybe  go for the second top you shold be able to find,

We are seeing stock across the board in cars, but there are some there are still a bid hard to get.

Ferrari versus Rav4, I wonder which one I'd to choose.


What about the models that were discontinued over the last 12 months?

Kia Stinger was that one that I think has got the hearts and minds of most Australians, we may see thse the last of rear wheel drive sedans, It was kind of the Korean Commondore it was touted as because it was a powerful rear drive sports sedan great car you would have seen them as police cars and highway patrol and things but that has now been dicontinued, we've seen a number of station wagons get discontinued which kind of again speaks to where the market is going for SUV's and you can't get a Volkswagen Golg Wagon, those has been a few others drop off but we are seeing new studd so we are seeing ne Ford F-150 so, bigger UTS, the Toyota tundra has hit the market and as I said, a bunch off new electrics and new other brands arriving for next yera as wll, so the market is evolving.




you touched on it trandies going to green how good is it.


So what other trends are you predicting for 2024?

Hubrid and electric you spot on this is where we are seeing the most amount of demand from family buyers so we still see the biggest segment of cars that is being purchased are mediumsized SUVs so family SUVs, so you can get a hybrid in pretty much every model now you are seeing a lot more of those come through you are seeing people look as electric as maybe the second car so they may have we are seeing on screen as sort of the worling car or the family adventure car but then picking up a small electric for runnning around town we 've got a new brand 2 TOYOTA cars hitting the ground in 2024, which is probably the biggest news for Australian buyers because that is quintessential AUstralian vehicle that will land with the standard diesel engine but it will come in a hybrid a bit later so my tip is if you are thinking about a new TOYOTA if its the new pra or anythingels, get an order now so you are at least on the waiting list but 2024 is going to be really exciting so, more electric, more brands, we can't wait and see.




