Royal family attends Christmas day church service | Today Show Australia (


The king queen and other royal family have gathered this morning for their traditional Christmas celebration in Sandringham,

Now with correspondent Edwood Godfrey has more.

In keeping with tradition the royal family has celebrated Christmas here in Norfolk about 3 hours north of Central London.


King Charles and queen Camila leading the way for the morning walk to church waving as they ware greeted by a group of keen Royal Wathcers gathered neear the estate.

The king and queen complimenting each other in shades of camel followed by son William and Kate and younger members of the family including their three children. Most dressed in navy blue, Louie in tars and pants, and Charlotte in a green coat other Royals in atendance for the service princess Anne and Prince Edward and price Andrew who's no longer part of frontline duties also there accompanied by ex-wife Sarah Ferguson for the first time in many years.

This is a long-standing tradition for the royal family, but the second since the passing of Queen Elizabeth.

Most Christmas during her region spent here in the north the family, a show of unity as they left St, Mary Magdalene Church.

Some given flowers by wellwishers, Fergie chatting casually with a policeman as they headed to Sandringam house for Christmas lunch.


compliment: 賛辞、ほめる、ここでは素敵なShades of Camelをお召しになり、という感じ?


A new photo released by the prince and princess of wales, a beautiful black and white portrait of George Charlotte and Louie together on an antiques bench seat, captioned with wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas, from our family to yours!


The king is expected to spend the coming days here before traveling to Scotland.


Meantime King Charles in made his first tradiional Christmas speech since he was crowned urging people to pretect each other, the king also touched on an issue very close to his heart that's climate chane the Monarch acknowledging the growing awareness of the need to protect the planet.

We care for the earth for the sake of our children's children.

During my lifetime, I've been so pleased to see a growing awareness that we must protect the Earth and our natural world as the one home which we all shre .

I find great inspiration now from the way, so many people recognize this.


In the broadcast the Kind was seen standing next to a living Christma tree that we're told (it) would be after the broadcast.



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