Wujal Wujal residents recovering after Cyclone Jasper hits | Today Show Australia (youtube.com)


Wwe are waking up here in cansas morning assessing the damage left by ex-tropical cyclone Jasper.

It crossed the coast yesterday in the evening as a category 2 storm, it kept us guessing in the hours leading up to landfall but in the end, it crossed over directly over the small remote town of Wujal Wujal which is just to the north of Cape tribulation for people who know this area well.


Tribulation : 苦難


Wujal Wujal is the small town as I said and the woman who runs camping and caravan park is Katrina, She joins us now on the line Katrina.

Thank you joining us, how are you doing this morning. How's looking there.


I must say that we are so happy we woke up this morning,

We've suffered hardly any damage at all.

It is mostly trees limbs down and palm fruits uprooted a bit of vegitation


What a releaf because you were right in the firing line with the eye of that storm heading straight for your town. How did it feel last nigh when it passed over and whe did it peak.

Look to be honest, it was reall calm for most of the day and moving into the evening. It got a little windy around 8 pm,

We still hadn't had terribly much rain when we went to bed at 10, so we 'd only had about 85mm then around 1:30, this morning, it came down really hard.

There was a lot of wind with taht as well wichi is what I think has done a fair bit of the thoroughour the trees and palms, we've got 96 mil in that burst of rain in our gaug here and everything today though is drained away and it looks amazing, no flooding, no breakage of buildings or properly 

But it was about 1:30 when it really sort of fired up but it was big waiting game as you said earlier, we just didn't know what was going to happen and when it was going to happen,


uproot ;根こそぎ引き抜く

drain away :流れ出る


I know some of you more vulnerable residents there were evacuated to cooktown further north but for those who remain given there is still this intense rain driving down.

Are there any concernes about isolation over the coming days and what that might mean for you?




We expect to be isolated whenever it we do have rain events, we have got lots of little tributoaries little creeks that flood up they tend to drain away fairly quickly and that's going north or south on our roads here, the biggest situation we have probably will be tree over the road and while services are busy within communities making sure everybody's safe there, I am sure that clearing up some trees across the road will be there priority list most of us travel with their own chainsaws and snatch straps so we get through if we need to do but I think it's still raining it's just start raining again now  it'll be a let's just sit and wait it out. we have still got power which is amazing and obviously we still have telecomunications also amaizing.




tributaries: 支流