A no need of big plants in today's development,
B personalism can overcome big plants and big development and big fund and big side effects,
C say, if a household can enough manage its own energy with solar panel electricity,
just the same way of a commodity,
eco house, no need of, or little need of, big oil plnts, big nuclear reactors, etc, etc,
D if ther constructed way of , collecting home made commodities, and way of exporting etc, no need of, or,little need of, big factorirs,
E if vehicle, type of camping car, which are rededigned to wash and bound them in them, no need of, or little need of, to develop savanna, into style of big farm in danger of creating new desert,
X so we believe so called nature-tec can be developped and exported by Japan and only by Japan
Research & Analyzing
hiromizu itoh JPN
