A Company A and Company B are to be the two finalists.
B Given Company A have 80 workers and Company B have 20 workers; and so the whole population is tobe 100. The final winner is Company A.
C CompNy A is a company with extreme high efficiencies, so it won, and all the business is to be done by Company A.
D Company B is to be not so good and high efficient company, compared with Company A, so not the all workers, 20, is not necessary to do all the business by Company A.
E Eg, 15 of 20 workers are hired by Company A, but 5 workers lost job and to go living with social, government, assistance.
F Question; which is happier to us all, z society with Company A and Company B co-existing and no or small social and government burden, or y with Company A, very good one, must be, and high social government burden?
x I believe society y is much much better and ez to live in society.