After Parkland at Dailymotion




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genre - Documentary /
average rating - 5,7 / 10 /
Brief - An intimate chronicle of families as they navigate their way through the unthinkable, reckoning with unexpected loss, journeying through grief, and searching for new meaning /
2019 /
Dillon McCooty.
Watch full after parkland mall.

Watch full after parkland father.
I get the no gun march but people will still manage to get guns I mean the black market is a thing. The only thing that will come from no guns being allowed would be less protection from those who use them for ridiculousness like this.

Watch full after parkland father kavanaugh.


Watch full after parkland park.
Just watching this, and hearing what this girl and her fellow classmates went thru made me cry and sob sooo much, and Im not the type to cry at most things. I cant even imagine what I wud feel having actually been thru that extremely traumatic experience. This needs to violence has hurt and broken so many lives apart... I pray for this girl and hope that all of them can heal from this tragic event. 💚🥺.

Watch full after parkland college.
I feel so bad for the school I hate ppl that do bad things.
Fake shooting.
Holy God bless those kids that died🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😇😇😇❤.
Watch full after parkland movies.
Watch full after parkland time.
Nancy pelosi said the next democratic president could call a national emergency on guns. How about we call one on mental health in this country instead and start lessening the amount of lunatics that want to hurt people. No matter what you think, there are too many guns in this country to get rid of. Even if you went door to door and took every gun you could find, there would still be millions of guns left unaccounted for. There are already background checks on gun purchases in every state and even when you buy online. Every common sense gun law you could think of is already being used. The states with the strictest gun control laws still have shootings, but the people in those states don't have the ability to defend themselves from a lunatic with a gun. Someone wanting to hurt people could do it with a knife or a hammer if they wanted. The tool used doesn't matter, Its the mentally ill person behind the tool.

Looks like the real terrorists are already here in this country and call themselves patriotic citizens, the majority of the mass shootings are committed by White men. Congrats, you're really making America great again.
Wow your so brave beautiful ❤️ Im so sorry you had to go through such a tragic situation 😢.
He let the kid in blue go. Hes lucky to be alive.
So so sorry for the family. PTSD is real, and is powerful. Please if you feel guilty for surviving, dont! Those you lost would want you to go on and live life to the fullest. It is the only fitting memorial to them. You must go on. 🤗.
Watch full after parkland florida.
The guy in the blue was lucky! That guy could have shot him.

Are we blaming the gun company for this one.


Watch Full After.
Do some gun advocates really think mass shootings DONT require tighter regulations? Really. Im not talking about taking ANYONES gun as long as they are not mentally ill or have a criminal history! Lets start using some common sense. nobody should need or have an AR-15. It isnt a gun for hunting, only killing other humans, period.
Its sad that she had survivors guilt I never want this to happen to any survivor of gun violence 😔 Rest In Peace.

Watch full after parkland free.
Watch full after parkland full.
It is absolutely appalling to see all these negative comments our community is still mourning you dont need to be so rude especially to the kids who had to experience this and almost faced death too unless youve been in a shooting you have no idea what they went through so leave these kids alone your grown ups act like it as for the other problem being discussed in these comments we dont want to take away your guns its been made very clear we just need better laws and tests to prevent younger mentally ill kids like Nicolas Cruz to not have access to a gun And to possibly prevent things like this happening again. I agree parenting is a big factor but who can parent a kid whos lost his thats why the laws must be in place. My family has guns too so dont worry about them they arent being taken away and stop the hatred your sending to these poor children that had to endure something that most of you probably never did.

America makes these school shooters. So I dont see why they are acting surprised. Btw my heart goes out to all the victims.💙.
Oh my god, entire 8 hours of training to openly carry a weapon that in the blink of an eye can end someones live.
Breaks my heart💔.
Watch full after parkland movie.
Im still not giving them my gun.
Watch full after parkland high school.
I pray it doesn't happen to anyone else, except the folks disliking and calling it a hoax.
If I was the Blue Shirt Kid I would've asked to join in. Lmao, Player 2 has joined the game.
Watch full after parkland care.
Watch full after parkland 2.
Omg the world today so sad rip girl 👏🏻.
Watch Full After park and suites propriétaires.

Watch full after parkland season

It took cops 5 minutes to get in, but he just walks in.
Watch Full After park and suites.
Watch Full After parkandsuites.
Watch full after parkland school.
Watch full after parkland center.
Cops were in the building 5 minutes later. Columbine cops sat outside 3 hours.
Wow the guy in the blue shirt passed by him. He was definitely being watched over, so scary.
Buddy is lucky i wasnt the kid in blue.
Watch Full After parkland.
I remember being in school when we heard about this. sitting in class and everyone just watching the news.