Love my bike. | Tetoraのブログ



I sprained my ankle the other day.

Was so annoyed at missing the first REALLY nice days of the season.

It felt a lot better today, so I rode. I got that feeling of anxiety beforehand, where you aren`t sure of yourself, you feel like you are going to go out there and just be terrible. Having felt this millions upon millions of times, it was easy to turn around and stretch into a much more constructive feeling.

When I got out there, I soon had that change of perspective, where you have no life other than pedaling around and being with your bike.

I soon felt even better as all of my regular moves came so easily, I landed tons of things, and just kept feeling better and better until I was euphoric.

Riding my bike really is the thing I love to do most. And listening to music while doing it was also so nice.

I wanted to take some pics and maybe two videos but I forgot.

I also wore my really ripped up jeans, love wearing them. And they were clean!

But, and there was a but, as but`s always try to poke their head into everybody`s business, on my very last move I landed badly and my ankle is bothering me again. Ah well. They say never go for that `last trick`, but then you either have to ride forever, or never ride at all. Each of those options is not an option for me.

Maybe I had some other stuff to write about, but who cares.