Model 3 Zooms Through Boring Tunnel at 116 MPH

A new video has surfaced online of a Model 3 zooming through the Boring Company’s tunnel in Los Angeles at 116 mph.

The video shows a Model 3 loaded with passengers being lowered into the test tunnel. Then, the driver pulls up a Boring Company app on the car’s screen to hit a button labeled “Request Departure.”

“We usually offer a slower ride on Autopilot or a fast ride [with] manual driving,” the driver explained. He appeared to navigated the tunnel manually, reaching a top speed of 116 mph before the car began to slow down. It took roughly one minute for the one-mile ride.

It’s worth noting that the vehicle was not attached to any other tracking system and seemed to be fully guided by the driver. This could signal a change in the Boring Company’s plan, which previously used “tracking wheels” to guide the vehicle.


The company released in December 2017 a map of its planned network of underground tunnels in Los Angeles.

The first route will be the 6.5-mile “proof-of-concept tunnel” through Los Angeles and Culver City. “The tunnel will initially be used for construction logistics verification, system testing, safety testing, operating procedure verification, and line-switching demonstrations.” If the company is successful in completing the project and proving it safe for public transport, Phase 2 will extend well into the outskirts of Los Angeles county.

The original video shared to YouTube by venture capitalist Steve Jurvetson, who is currently a board member of SpaceX and Tesla, was deleted, but another version was posted to Twitter. Check it out below.

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